
25 Μαρτίου

Χρόνια πολλά ελληνικό έθνος!
Χωρίς τη Φιλική Εταιρία, τον Υψηλάντη και άλλους θαμμένους από τη λαϊκή ιστορία ανοιχτόμυαλους ανθρώπους, δε θα υπήρχες.
Και ούτε θα μπορούσαν να αναδειχθούν οι προσωπικότητες που σήμερα ξέρουμε και παπαγαλίζουμε. Η επανάσταση θα αποτύγχανε όπως απέτυχαν και οι προηγούμενές της.


D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover

“Perhaps only people who are capable of real togetherness have that look of being alone in the universe. The others have a certain stickiness, they stick to the mass.” 

“We fucked a flame into being.” 

“It's terrible, once you've got a man into your blood!" she said.” 

“She would have thought a woman would have died of shame. Instead of which, the shame died.” 

“The beautiful pure freedom of a woman was infinitely more wonderful than any sexual love.”

It was not the passion that was new to her, it was the yearning adoration. ” 

‘if I had him inside me as a child!’


Παλιέ μου φίλε

Καλά τα πήγαμε.
Καλά ταξίδια να έχεις.



Exploring does not necessarily mean that you will reach your goal.
It just means finding new paths.
You may succeed, you may not.
But you will be richer and wiser.



I want your skin on me.
Like snake.
Change my skin into yours.


Back seat

Older people driving the car.
Not family.
But caring.
Child again.
Safety inside.
Dream outside.
Wide open eyes.