
A lake's tale

Goodnight world.
To the places I've been and i am not now:
I'll dream of you.
To the places i have not been yet:
Wait for me.

The circle closes and I see the beginning.
Tonight I am not sleeping in my bed.
I am sleeping in a hotel's bed.


You knew we would talk sometime, didn't you?
You read me and I read you.
You caught me first.




Now let me search my Syrian refugee alter ego.
And how insane I am.


My music would always bring me images.
And my long term complaint was:
My images don't bring me music.

Today, I realised it:
Not anymore.



Dancing my silence

I fulfill my reality.
And my check boxes.
Still there is a pending void.
My imagination bites.
It drives me forward?

The moon showed my way home.
Full moon.
Not me.


Nami nami

So far away.
And closer.

Let's see if I will sing it.

Go to sleep little one
Let us rest on this straw mat
Go to sleep while it is yet dark
Soon the clouds will disappear
And reveal a great light to light up the neighborhood
Tomorrow your father will return home
With money from the lemons he sold
He will bring you clothes and a scarf
To keep you warm in December
My beautiful one, with the lovely handpicked black hair
Whomever does not love you or kiss you
Knows not what they are missing



Searching. Deciding. Being.

Midnight summer dream

This sound.
This hellish nostalgic atmosphere.
Waking up ghosts.
Sleeping ghosts.
Even the dream itself had a missing sense.
Everything was there, but somehow different.

A second difference: the rain.
Neither in my city, nor in Dubai.

I woke up in an armchair
He had gone I don't know where
Left me there to sit and look at the rain

Don't remember much at all
But his words were echoing
A midnight summer dream and then wake again

Maybe I'll never find him
Maybe he's gone forever
Maybe I'll have to sit here
Watching the weather

One thing's pretty certain helped me
Make it in the night
Showed me somewhere else between wrong and right

And at midnight if you can't sleep
Then I can bend your ear
After midnight we'll sit up half the night
Or maybe more
And I'll begin to tell you what it is all for

Wake up on a good day
And the world feels wonderful
Midnight summer dream has me in its spell.

It takes someone strong to make someone strong

A strong ad about strong people.
Fully cimenatic frames and cuts.
Emotionally escalating epic music, like in all successful adventure Hollywood movies.
This time P&G did it, contrary to previous times.
All connected, all elements working with each other.

But mothers, don't buy it.
You can be strong without P&G.



Through the eyes of a bedouin.
A desert man.
This is how I see my country when I travel.
An undiscovered, versatile beauty.
Rich to be shared.


Moon mou

The moon is low.
Vulnerable and warm.
I will sleep with it.

Αγία Τριάδα, Παρασκευή βράδυ

At the end of the day, θα είσαι ευτυχισμένος.



Ποταμός, Πέμπτη βράδυ

Towards the sea

Customs want old women to wear black.
Aesthetics demand numerous ugly signs.
Still wondering.
European, balkan or eastern?


Kind reminder

Every day has a challenge.
Don't play the victim.
This is how reality is.



Spreading summer

My country buzzes summer under every stone,
hidden in every corner,
on every step after my doorstep.



After more than a year, there is a person that I can feel it as friend again.
We are not the same, but we are here.

The chronicle of a renormalisation, part 3

I try to satisfy my needs.
Most of them.
What I miss is the dogs.
I started loving them.
But they disappeared.
It is too early.
Neglected again or passed?
I meditated to find them.
Instead, I found a hurried mind trapped in a motionless body.
Like a fly in a closed dark room before it dies.
Then peace came.
Still no dogs.
I must find them again.
So much to learn.

In the meanwhile...
I read.
I see.
I know.
You know.
We know.
All things not shared but shared.
Honored by attention.
A caring echo.
I still care.
You still care.
We still care.
It is still me.
It is still you.
We are who we used to be.

Imagination vs reality.
Nights before I sleep.
Where do I return back to.

I am not who I am now?


The chronicle of a renormalisation, part 2

The range between excitement and tiredness decreases.
Still, I need some sleep.
Some dogs.
Few days off.
A nice dance party.
Some inner flowing.
A home cooked food.
Some actions.
Few self restrictions.
And a well structured prioritising list,
based on now and a summer affordable time horizon.

A trip to US is waiting for me.
Let's see what we can do...
(and there's a smiley)

The chronicle of a renormalisation, part 1

Εδώ είμαι, εδώ είμαι, εδώ είμαι, εδώ είμαι.
My personal mantra to keep me here.
Chased by my early morning mad dogs.

Εδώ είμαι.
Invited them into a private meeting.
Scared let myself dive.
And then peace.
Peace. Ecstatic immediate peace.
No dogs.
No dogs.
Not a moment of dogs.

Day was real.
Hair dyes.
Girly summer plans.
Late night colleagues.
Early morning sleep.

Εδώ είμαι.
Other people are here.


Stay mentality

I need to let myself to the dogs.
Rabid dogs.
I can see them surrounding me.
I own these dogs.
Neglected for long.
I know their origin.
My imagination.
My beloved one.
So cruel.
I couldn't tell the difference.
Reality vs. imagination.
I need to learn that, too.
And be fair with reality.
My reality.

Sometimes scared.
Sometimes excited.
For this experiment with myself.
The road to progression.

And then I will say that I gained one more thing.
Because of that common experiment.
I will speak.
Not now.
I am chased and I have to stay.
I committed to myself that this will be the year of commitments.
I must commit to stay among these imaginary dogs.
And my reality.

On the more real side of life,
I realize I cannot maintain negative feelings for long.
My personal need for release makes me understand people.
And like them in their reality.
And sometimes love them.
Even when it is difficult.

I also realize why sometimes I don't accept their reality,
It is because I don't let myself to the dogs.
Reality vs imagination.
One word, cherophobia?
Or a predetermined chased mentality?

I saw a movie:
Hemingway and Gellhorn.
Love is infinitely more durable than hate, he wrote to her.
He hated her when loving her
An inspiring woman.
A strong woman.
She was clear with her reality.

At the end of the day I keep the appreciated aspect in others.
And what about myself?
Just keep progressing.
These dogs might help.


I wonder

why bugs die upside down

how life knows and brings my trips the next day I realize I miss

when I will take that little cat home

if my country is european, balkan or eastern.

Gypsy song during celebration for the local football team rise in advanced league.
Place: the football field
Friday morning 01:30, 30-06-2016

if I will find again that little cat