
Απλές απολαύσεις

Το φεγγάρι που κοιτώ,
η φρέσκια γκουρμεδοσαλάτα,
το σπίτι γεμάτο σαγηνευτικούς ήχους, άδειο,
τα pc σε full λειτουργία,
ένα ποτήρι κρασί
και η πληρότητα που νιώθω.
Από τους ανθρώπους που γνωρίζω.
Τις πολύτιμες ιστορίες τους.
Τις πιο ακριβές εικόνες τους.
Και τη χαρά του μοιράσματος.

Η θέα της ζωής από το παράθυρο που κοιτώ.
Αν μου λείπει κάτι... να γράφω μουσική.
Έχω την τύχη να είμαι καλλιτέχνης.
Και να αγαπώ το άδειο.
Όσο και το γεμάτο.

Όσο το σκέφτομαι, τόσο πιο όμοια μου φαίνονται.


For the sake of fears' fun

A little bit. Bipolar.
Victimizer or a victim?

For the sake of the fears' fun.
Where am I opening to?
And why?
Can I?

Will I die?



Your mediterranean spirit of the night devastates my soul.
With the desire to meet the children you bred.
My ancestors.
West and East melt down into your liquid curve in the middle of the earth.
Ya leili and mare nostrum.
We are all being poured into your vast tank that digests cultures and centuries.
Embarrassed present haunted by the past.
People proud and ashamed at the same time.
Christians and Muslims at different sides.
Life and death at your circle.
The curvity of convergence.
We are all smashed into your dark prehistoric motherhood.
Cursed to be eternal by your spirit of the night.
The one who eats my soul.

Will you digest me?
Will you be my destination to my beginning?
And spit my spirit to your timeless plate so that I meet my ancestors?
Greeks, Latins, Ottomans, Byzantines, Turks, Arabs...
I am part of you.
Of your history and your space.



This trip becomes more and more revealing.
Saw and seen.

And then, the dialogues...


Time density

These days have been thick.
I only live.
One after the other experience.
I run out of capacity of memories.
I don't have the time to wonder.
Is it reality or dream?

At least I know I am not crazy.
By sharing.


Failed scenario

Midnight walking in the city centre.
Grabbed a posna pizza feeling like at home.
Cut it into two.
One piece for now, the other for tomorrow.
A vivid young man passed me and walked towards a small park.
Meeting his girlfriend, I guessed.
I photographically followed him.
He headed towards some waste bins.
Picking up empty pizza boxes.
For food.
"Hey! Please have this", I gave him the second piece.
He took it.
Then, he asked me for 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 dinars.
0,8 cent of a euro.
Counting in English.
I refused.
He thanked me.
I smiled and left.
Behind me I heared a voice.
"You are mother Maria!"
"No, I am not."
I turned to see him.
He was leaving the park.

No, I am not.
I just wanted to take the beauty away from the garbage.
For the sake of my failed scenario.

The table

Today I lived my Youth.
No thermal bath.
No Alpes.
No Sorrentino.

Just a kafana.
In Beograd.
By life.

At the one side of the table, me.
At the other, two original men.

Table or life?